Pete The Cat
Surfer Jack Productions/Appian Way/Alcon Television(2018)
One very cool cat and his very groovy life.
Fun, friends, family and music with some good advice thrown in to help make life a little easier... But mostly fun and music. At its core, Pete the Cat is about inspiring kids to take a chance and letting them know that it’s all going to be okay. As Pete would say, “Just be cool and it’ll all work out fine.” Pete the Cat is smart. We will never talk down to kids or underestimate their intelligence. Pete is about exploring your world and finding new things... Pushing the boundaries a little. We want to inspire curiosity and hopefully questions and conversations.
Pete is the every-cat (every-kid) that is just trying to have a groovy life with a minimum of unnecessary hassle. Pete’s best asset is his cool. He’s a positive cat with a song in his heart and a curiosity that makes the rest of the cats proud. Being “Pete” is a state of mind. Sometime as we trundle through our day, we may lose a button or step in a few ‘berries’ or break our new shades, but in the end, it’s all fine. Just put on your best smile and keep on rockin’.
There are challenges and changes coming at you every day; new friends, new experiences and all of life’s many up’s and downs, but if you keep your head up and keep on trying, you’ll overcome. Just keep it simple and life will be groovy.
Pete reminds us that you’ve got to be you and let others be free to be them!
Pete shows us that you need to take a few risks and color outside the lines from time to time and reminds us that “there are no failures, just lessons”.
Pete is smart. Being smart is cool. Knowledge is cool. Learning is very groovy.
Being “Pete” is best summed up by the phrase, “It’s okay to be afraid, but it is more fun to surf!”
I think we all need to try to be a little more “Pete”.
Pete has a message, but it isn’t “In your face”. It’s for kids, but we want it to have enough edge that the parents will want to sit and watch it too. Not only that, but the music will be so cool that their older siblings will enjoy the tunes as well
Soundtrack available now! Click Here

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